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Some of the Air Rower models sport Aluminium-capped rail with a stainless track that allows the seat to slide smoothly and promotes full leg involvement in the rowing motion to provide a rigorous full-body workout. Can also be considered a superb aerobic work-out. It works out every single major muscle group of the body. Develops the heart and lungs with superior cardiovascular endurance conditioning.
Air Rowing is a form of workout that is an excellent stress-reliever. It supports weight and non-jarring and is an ideal rehabilitative workout. It is also very effective in fat burning and weight-loss workout sessions. Suitable for people of all ages because of its smooth and rhythmic motion that is very safe and enjoyable while working out.
The ergonomic design on its handles makes it feel natural to use this equipment, fan engineered to lessen the noise that the rower provides to enable a smooth feel of air rowing. The flex footrests adjust for quick and convenient mounting. Their flywheel mechanisms have spiral dampeners that control the flow of air enabling a sleek and fast feel like rowing a boat.
Most models in this collection are equipped with a frame lock mechanism that ensures ease in storing when the equipment is not in use. They also have caster wheels for additional mobility if you’re trying to work out from different areas in your home studio or gym setup.
Separates easily for storage. Air Rowers are recognized amongst all other competitive rowers as the standard for indoor training sessions, they deliver effective cardiovascular workouts that help in improving your cardiovascular health and endurance.