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Kettlebells are very effective gym apparatus that can be used for an assortment of purposes; whether you are trying to increase your muscle mass, take off a few pounds, or improve your overall stamina, kettlebells are a very good option. Kettles are rather similar to what you would call free weights in that they are ball-shaped masses that come in an assortment of weights and sizes, as people with different fitness levels and body sizes can choose which one best suits them. While all kettlebells can be utilized in pretty much the same way, it is still very much important to know the differences between buying a cast iron kettlebell and a vinyl kettlebell.
These all too versatile gym implements have been in use since as far back as the 18th century, known then as the “Russian hand weight”, but they have only recently gained traction and prevalence across the global fitness scene. At present, these kettlebells are now used in sporting events, as a power and strength endurance test that is played at recreational and competitive levels by men and women alike.
There are a number of upsides to the cast iron kettlebell. For one, you can rest assured, knowing that what you have is definitely what it is called; cast iron. Both the handle and the weight are going to be made up of cast iron. Vinyl kettlebells are simply cast iron kettlebells that have a vinyl coating on either the ball itself or on the handle, or both. However, while it may not seem like a substantial distinction, it could certainly be so. The problem with vinyl kettlebells is that one may not see the parts covered with vinyl. This makes it so that some manufacturers can use materials other than iron to fill the molds. Should this be the case, it is very much possible that the weight on the label may not be equal to the weight of the kettlebell itself. Furthermore, vinyl coating places an additional cost on the manufacturer, which may cause them to be comparably more expensive than cast iron kettlebells.
Furthermore, while both cast iron and vinyl kettlebells are both viable for recreational and exercise purposes, it should be noted that in the competitive scene, it is usual for event organizers to mandate the use of cast iron kettlebells. This is not without justification; while the vinyl coating generally doesn’t significantly modify the standard size and shape of a kettlebell, it is possible that the vinyl coating may cause the weight to grab hold of your skin in certain exercises and positions. While the so-called upside of being a protective measure against breaking the floor exists, it is mostly a moot point, as generally, any free weight that is heavy enough to break the floor when dropped will do so, regardless of its covering.
Cast-iron and vinyl kettlebells are both suitable for in-home, gym and group fitness use; however, most kettlebell competitions require steel weights. Generally, the vinyl coating is thin and does little to change the standard shape and size of a kettlebell. This leads to a minimal difference in equipment performance when it comes to lifting. Sarah Lurie mentions that a vinyl coating can “uncomfortably grab your skin in certain exercises and positions.” Vinyl kettlebells often advertise their ability to "protect the floor" due to their extra layer, but any heavy free weight has the potential to damage a surface. A kettlebell can be a dangerous but beneficial sport and requires coordination, technique and education no matter what the material.
The cast-iron kettlebell is original in every sense of the word; it comes in black and black only -- simple and standard. For those who might be looking to attract new gym members or group class participants or who just have a more colourful personality, the vinyl kettlebell could be a more suitable option. The vinyl-coated kettlebells can be found in almost any colour -- from pink to gold -- and vary in brightness.