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Kettlebells are one of the new big things of the fitness world, and competition kettlebells are one of the best options available in the market. Get the right one, and you’ll have a versatile gym apparatus that can last for years to come.
It is indeed undeniable that kettlebells have risen to the forefront of popularity, and has virtually become one of the new rockstars of the fitness industry. There are a plethora of different kinds of kettlebells being sold in the fitness market right now, and such a large assortment of options may be quite the challenge for someone who is new to all of it. Generally, the market has two primary kettlebell options, namely cast iron kettlebells and competition kettlebells, with each of the two having its own unique set of upsides and detriments that make them ideal for different types of training. Nonetheless, both types of kettlebells are invaluable fitness tools that will last you for a very long time if you got to choose one of excellent quality from a reputable supplier or manufacturer.
First off, it is important to stray away from buying plastic of vinyl kettlebells, especially if they are cast as two pieces of material, as these run the risk of splitting from each other mid-workout, which can be the cause of catastrophic gym-related injury. Both competition and cast iron kettlebells are constructed from a one-piece mold. In the case of competition kettlebells, this cast is filled with steel. As for the case of cast iron kettlebells, the cast is filled with, as the name might suggest, cast iron. This means that for both of these kettlebell variants, there is a significantly lower chance of running into the aforementioned safety risks that two-cast vinyl or plastic kettlebells might pose. As for comparing the two, it goes without saying that competition kettlebells, being made of steel, are significantly more durable still than the cast iron kettlebell variants, which are made of what the name might suggest. However, cast iron kettlebells have the upside of being more viable for a larger variety of coating options, such as powder coating or cerakote coating, both of which are inapplicable for competition kettlebell variants. Be that as it may, both are still highly durable gym equipment that is specifically made to resist damage due to exposure to oxidation, breakage, or chipping.
Competition kettlebells are, much more often than not, made with a universal colour code that is used to signify the weight values, which allows exercisers to identify right away which of the kettlebells is the one they are looking for. These are often found in the same size regardless of their weights, so it is ideal for practising high-difficulty moves such as the Turkish GetUp or exercises that take a lot of reps, such as the Snatch. The handles on these kettlebells are likewise uniform in nature. The window between the bell handle and bell itself often has a more rectangular shape, and its handle’s diameters are often smaller than that of most cast iron kettlebells. This is because such a design decreases grip fatigue, which is important in competitive kettlebell lifting.