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IPF Classic Raw Powerlifting World Championships in Russia

Russian Powerlifting

When I heard the Raw Powerlifting World Championships were going to be in Russia, I really wanted to make it there. In Russia, Powerlifting is one of their national sports and they take their lifting very seriously.
I had my daughter 22 months ago and over the past 18 months I have been lifting in the 57kg and then the 52kg weight class. I had a good enough total to get me to Russia but there were only a limited few that could be chosen.

Easter weekend I found out that I had made the team!

I was excited but I had no idea of how life-changing the experience would be. I don’t think I actually believed I was going until I stepped out of the plane onto Russian soil. What would follow would be a great adventure filled with world-class lifting, new friendships, train rides from hell, records being broken, a little vodka and a lot of very loud Aussies cheering each other on.

It was a gruelling 30+ hours of travel once we finally reached our hotel. I had a look around and found the auditorium where in a matter of days I would be representing my country!
The banners were up in the auditorium and I was actually at the IPF Classic Raw Powerlifting Championships!

Being in the 52kg class I lifted early in the week which left the rest of the time to unwind and soak it all in. It was an amazing experience to wake up every day, eat breakfast with my team, watch world-class lifting and meet other like-minded people that have the same obsession for lifting heavyweights. Each day we congregated in the lobby and forged some great friendships.

Australian Lifters Success!

The Australians had a huge team of 23 lifters, the biggest we have ever had and we achieved some impressive results!

In the Opens, Mary Macken got silver in the squats and Andrew Jovicevic won bronze in benchpress.

The Juniors did extremely well with Cameron Mackenzie breaking a World Record in deadlifts (327.5kg at 120kg weight class Junior), a silver in squats and silver overall.

John Cauchi also won silver in his weight class, silver in squat and gold in the deadlift.

Rae Lyons won bronze in the deadlift.

The Australian lifting team definitely had the loudest support!

International Competitors

It was such a privilege to meet people I have admired from afar.

Ana Filiminova bench pressing 105kg (you read that right 105kg benchpress) and squatting 132.5kg at 50.7kg bodyweight and as a sub-junior.

Kimberly Walford pulling a 221kg deadlift for the World Record at 62.25kg bodyweight.

Brad Gillingham pulling 375kg deadlift for the World Record at 147kg.

Check out Kimberly Walford (World Champion) in this Video! (you can hear all the Aussies going crazy for her!)

Russian Coaching

When I first started lifting I never would have thought I would one day be getting advice from the Russian coach – I even received a compliment for how good my squat was!
I never could have imagined I would meet the people whose articles I have read or have the chance to discuss technique and programming with the best lifters in the World. Such an experience.
I started out lifting in my garage gym 4 months after having my daughter, Abigail. I just wanted to get strong again after having a baby. My coach Pete told me to give competing for a try and 18 months later I was in Russia!

It is amazing what you can do if you just have a go!

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